Saturday, January 7, 2012

While we were gone... another garden update!

Dudes!   Check this out! 

The garden went mad while we were gone! 

The tomato plants are giant and bushy and covered in fruit!

This is seriously more bok choy than I care to think what to do with!
And I like bok choy!
And the pea plants have peas all over too!

The wee tomatoes are all green still... I'm hoping and assuming we'll
see them go red?  How long does it usually take for a tomato to go from
green to red? 

Cilantro, basil and more bok choy!

I'm not sure what our gardener/guard was thinking... he really planted these beds FULL, and he's letting it all grow.  Maybe he plans on selling some?  I'd be ok with that!  I do want to use some of the bok choy though, and I really hope to use the tomatoes as well- assuming they will turn red.  :)  Heck, really, we should eat some part of all of it.  I just have to remember some lunch time or dinner time to go out there and pick something to eat instead of just looking in the fridge!

Now... we brought back some watermelon seeds from our holiday... do I dare hand them over? :)  Watermelons for everyone!  


Liene said...

Watermelons take up a lot of space... I would put them in a seperate bed, away from everything. Some folks plant a seed or two in their compost heap. The tomatoes, it shouldn't be long now; very healthy looking garden, your guard deserves a new title, like master gardener!

diana smaida said...

This is seriously impressive. I can almost smell and taste the just-picked freshness! Takes me back to the summer, on the first day that we finally had real snow in Mezaparks. :)

Jordan said...

Wow!! That's awesome! Tomatoes, depending on what type they are, will take a bit of time to go red. They'll grow bigger before they turn.

LOVE all the bok choy!! I'm so jealous!

Eileen said...

woah. Now that's a garden! I hope your guard does sell some, if you don't mind. What a great project, and lucky all of you to eat veggies straight from your yard. Green tomatoes can be cooked and eaten as well (not just fried), and are delicious, but I now you're going to love them when they turn red. Keep us posted! This sky-dweller misses having a garden!

Brenda B said...

Looks awesome! Eat, share, repeat! Wouldn't it be great if we all got the concept of community gardens and grew veggies and shared with our friends and neighbors. Yum Yum!

Ang D said...

So jealous! That's a very impressive garden! Those tomatoes are going to be so yummy!