Sunday, July 10, 2011

Exotic foods

What do you do when your baby's favorite food is soooooooooo exotic that it isn't even available other places you go?

Thing is, I'm not talking about papaya or dhal or chili flavored chocolate.  I'm just talking about black beans.  Just black beans.  Frankly, they seem pretty normal to me, but, obviously, goes to show what kind of influences we have in the States.  

Beni will eat other beans, but not as readily as black beans.  So far since being in Latvia, we've indulged her local roots, and she's been eating a whole lot of potatoes... potato pancakes, french fries, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, roasted potatoes.  Um yeah, we've been here less than a week, and we've had all those styles of potatoes already!  Amazing, huh?

Luckily Beni is still happily eating lots of cheese and bread products (both of which are highly available here). She enjoys her baby oatmeal mixed with fruits and she is eating all kinds of seasonal berries these days.  And of course she's still nursing ALL THE TIME.  Thank goodness that is always available! ;)

What's your child's favorite food?  Do you think you'd be able to get it outside of your home country?


2shakesofalambstail said...

luke LOVES cheese! and yogurt. I never gave him black beans. i have a can in my pantry... i may have to give it a try!

Dace said...

Definitely - 'kefīrs' and other dairy products so characteristic to Latvia. We've never been away for more than 3 months but there's always this point when we miss those products when travelling. Izabella would drink kefīrs, paniņas, etc. at any time if water wasn't available. On the bean subject - I just revised an EU document regarding debate on crop proteins, GMOs and production of dried pulses in the EU. Turns out each European country has its own traditions for growing beans and peas. I never thought about that. So, as long as, e.g. Latvia can provide its people with other types of beans (my granny alone grows 4-5 kinds), there is no need to import black beans in any shape, although I found recipes with black beans in Latvian and advice on how to grow black beans in our climate.

Suzanne :-) said...

Wow, I never thought of this. I hope the kids will be ok with the foods they have in India when we go there.