Wednesday, July 20, 2011

There is never a good time for puking...

but it seems like kids sometimes know EXACTLY when would be one of the worst possible times.  Like, throwing up at home in the comfort of your own bathroom... too easy.  Even at home it has to be in the middle of the night, projectile floor to ceiling, or on the brand new carpet or when you've just finished getting dressed in your best suit on the day of a super important presentation or something, you know?

Tonight, my daughter puked for the second time in her life.  I can't really complain, because hello, she's just on 15 mos old, and only puked for the second time.  But the circumstances were what one might call less than desirable.

We went across town for dinner with my relatives tonight.  We had a lovely evening.  It was pretty warm, and my relatives don't have air conditioning, so at one point we decided to go outside to cool off, and let the kids play on the jungle gym a bit.  We were outside for only five minutes or so, when it started sprinkling on us.  We lasted a few more minutes before heading inside.

By the time we were ready to go, it was raining in earnest.  We had two umbrellas for 6 people, so basically we all got a little wet.  We ended up having to wait for the bus for a full 5 or so minutes, so we got more wet.  But then a lovely local driver did what seemed like everything he possibly could, to splash us as much as possible.  There was no escaping it.  So more wet.

We get on the bus, and by the time we get to the stop where we have no option but to get off, it is POURING. It's not just raining.  It's coming down sideways.   We had to go no more than 10 steps from the bus to the overhang of a nearby building and we were just drenched by the time we got there.  We knew there was no way we were going to get anywhere without getting soaked to the bone, so we decided to take a cab- conveniently lined up at the curb just in front of us.   Big decision because we're sort of big on car seat safety and stuff, and we were about to get in a cab without a car seat at all.  Apparently it is ok to do this as the cabby said nothing... so anyway...

By the time we get in the car, we are soaked to the bone.  But we settle in, knowing that we'll be home in a few minutes and able to dry off, put on warm pajamas and cuddle up.

There was a little mix-up with the cabby on which way to go, but we just watched the rivers of water flowing past us, and the spray as we sped through deeper puddles on the scenic route home.

So, then, here it comes.  We're about 4 blocks from home when my daughter starts fussing.  She's twisting and turning and she won't keep still.  She's crying.  Then, she turns toward me, and up-chucks a giant serving of cherries that she had munched down one after another a couple hours earlier.  Cherries.  You know what color those are?  RED.  And then one more giant heave and the rest of her cherries go straight down my shirt, covering my cleavage in chunks and juice.  ICK!  Oh also, I think there was some ice cream.

So my baby puked in the cab.  I had my seat belt on, so, she did get some on the seat belt.  Luckily (???), the rest was all over me, not the seats or anything.  Of course, I yell at my husband immediately for wipes out of the diaper bag, but he threw the bag in the trunk when he put the stroller in.  (Is it just my husband that doesn't remember time and again that my purse and the diaper bag need to be IN the car, not the trunk???)  So he tosses me his hat and I collect cherries and toss em in there, and then use my hand to wipe the cherry juice (which looks alarmingly like blood) off my child's chin.      

Thankfully, just as the smell was getting strong, we reached the house, and happily jumped out of the cab into the inches deep puddle the cabby had pulled into.  Of course, at this point I had to wake my daughter who had promptly closed her eyes and put her head down into the pool of vomit on my chest as soon as she had expelled it.  

My husband paid the driver, and we ran inside the house- although at this point, I'm not sure why we were running- we couldn't get any wetter or nastier, really.

I think we might have left a cherry or two on the seat- embarrassing!  I would have liked to have cleaned up, and apologized to the cabby- because if there is ever not a good time for puking- I'd say it's in a cab, when you're not even sitting in a car seat, and have nothing around to clean up with.  Go Beni!

Where is the most inopportune spot your kid has ever puked?


Konica Croft said...

4th of july weekend last year we were on our way home from a very long very hot very exhausting weekend and we were about 1/2 way home and decided to stop for something to eat. Alix was 2.5 and Nic was only a couple months old. We decided that a local Buffett that we had not been to in YEARS sounded divine because we were both starving and there would be SOMETHING Alix could and would eat there. we got in line and Nic started fussing because he was hungry. I am not a pro at breastfeeding and standing in line at the same time so he fussed for a few minutes until we got our table. Jon took Alix to find something to eat and he came back with Watermelon a piece of pizza and a drink. I was sitting at the table feeding Nic and trying to get Alix to eat what was on his plate. Jon brought me a small salad because he said he didn't know what else I wanted and went to get him food, I took a couple bites of salad and Alix proceeded to Puke EVERYTHING he had eaten for the last 2 day all over the table Im sitting there trying to nurse Nic keep covered (my own comfort level) trying to keep Alix from laying down in his puke , trying to clean up the table and get my husbands attention with out screaming and trying not to make a scene. The restaurant was packed, and the managers stood on the other side of a glass wall watching the whole thing happen. Jon finally came back. picked up alix took him to the bathroom and cleaned him up, Stripped him down to his diaper and hauled him out to the car as I tried to clean up a little while still nursing,,, Finally a waitress came over saw what was going on and helped me get our stuff packed up and said that she would clean it up I gave her a 20$ tip and left.

Kari said...

We thankfully haven't had any embarrassing puke episodes... yet. We did have an unfortunate diarrhea incident about a year ago, though. We were in the parking lot, leaving a store, when Nathan announced he needed to poop. Justin tried to rush him back into the store, but they didn't make it. Poop was everywhere. Nathan never had accidents so I didn't have a change of clothes for him. I took one of Topher's one-sized cloth diapers out, expanded it to it's largest size, and put it one Nathan. He wasn't thrilled to be wearing a diaper, but he was glad to have on something clean and to be headed home.

Mook said...

Heaps of places. A cab in Istanbul - Mikus did a good job there. Another time we were at a restaurant, and the spew came quickly - little M again - but I saw it coming, and like a baseball legend, I leaned over the table and caught the spew in my cupped hands, before it ended up on everyone's dinner. Ace! (oh and btw, way to go Beni and mamma! Welcome to the joys of parenting!)

jaminandjulie said...

We haven't had full on puking with Grace yet, and Luka pukes rarely, but when he does puke it is almost always in the car. An especially memorable chuck was on holidays in Tasmania. Driving into Queenstown the road was a solid 10 minutes of hairpin bends, all downhill. About 2 minutes in Luka lost his previous snack of strawberry milkshake and two fruits (cut up pear and apricot). Because of the nature of the road we couldn't stop the car, or turn back. Needless to say the next 8 minutes were pretty chunky. More pukes at each bend, the smell was atrocious and Luka was beside himself by the time we reached Queenstown,. The car seat was never quite the same after that particular puke..