Thursday, September 29, 2011

Local, easy, healthy, yummy lunch

OK, so I won't be winning any awards for photography or food styling...but I was HUNGRY when I took this picture, so it was a quick snap so I could EAT! :)

I just wanted to share what is one of my favorite lunches recently.  I find myself making it quite often, because it's quick, easy, reasonably healthy and delicious!

I finally gave in and we bought a rice cooker- mostly because of the burners that can't be controlled to go low enough not to burn my rice when cooking in a pot.  So, first step when making this lunch- rinse rice and through it in the cooker.

Next I tear apart and rinse the bok choy.  I do make sure to separately rinse each leaf, because they are often dirty at the bottom, and I missed that one caterpillar that one time... ew.  This is the probably the step of making this meal that takes the most time.

While I'm rinsing, I rinse off my tomato (or tomatoes, in the case of using the cherry tomatoes today- usually I just use one whole one), and then dice it (or cut into halves today).

When I'm ready to cook I throw the tomatoes on a pan with a touch of sesame oil and some other taste-less oil.  I throw the bok choy in the wok with a couple crushed garlic cloves and some oil.  I throw the bok choy in wet, as it adds some moisture to the whole thing.  Once the greens start reducing I throw in a shot of soy sauce and about a tsp of sugar as well.  I let it cook for another few seconds, and then it's done.  As for the tomatoes- once they've sort of melted in the pan, I push them to one side and throw in my one or two eggs (depending on my appetite that day).  Sometimes I scrambled them first, and sometimes I scramble them in the pan with chopsticks.  Once the egg cooks, I mix it all up together, and throw some soy sauce on there too- just a little bit.

That's it!  It's all done!

As far as I know this is Chinese food (which I say because I first ate it, and learned to cook it while living in Shanghai)- but, given what simple dishes they are, I'm guessing they might be common throughout Asia just because of available ingredients.  I really like that I can get all these ingredients locally, cheaply, and like I said before..... all delicious!

Oh, and Beni has never actually eaten egg before.  I've tried to give it to her, but she's always spit it out.  Well today, she was eating just the rice from this meal, but I decided to offer her some egg, and she was gobbling it up!  It's probably because it had the soy sauce on it, and she loves salty things... but either way, I'm glad for her being willing to gobble up some protein!  (Beni = total carbaholic!)

What's you fave quick, easy, local food recently?    

1 comment:

Liene said...

The photo may not be Gourmet magazine material but it really is a lovely photo.

The egg & tomatoes I could do with out but the rice and bok choy looks very yummy. I would add some bean sprouts and mushrooms or zucchini.