Monday, August 15, 2011

So we've moved in and...

Here is what I have to say about it!
-You know what is fun?  Going to the local version of a "superstore" and getting to pick out just about everything you need for the house from dishes to floor mats, towels to mops and brooms and cleaning supplies, kettles and toasters, pots and beer mugs, tupperware and clothes pins.  Only thing, we forgot to get a can opener!  D'oh!  Also, it is kind of a different feeling seeing your total add up to more than 8,000,000 kip!   That is a lot any way you look at it- but in USD it's about $1,000.  Getting everything you need for the house for $1,000 isn't bad either. :)   
-Ants and cockroaches consider this your warning.  You are not welcome in my kitchen (or the rest of my house for that matter).  Please vacate, or prepare to die.  I will do what I have to do.
-Turns out, our tubs in the upstairs bathrooms have not been properly installed. In fact, they've hardly been installed at all!  They've just been shoved into the corner.  Last night, as the water drained from Beni's bath, the floor began to flood.  Unhappy surprise. We're going to have to see what we can do about this!
-So far in the moving in process, I've focused on getting the kitchen set up.  It proves to be true again and again, that I feel at home, when I have my kitchen stocked, and I can fully use it. 
-Speaking of kitchen stuff- WHY OH WHY do manufacturers insist on sticking labels on things with impossible to remove adhesive in totally horrible spots.  For instance- the new wok I bought yesterday- 2 square inch spot of adhesive smack dab in the middle of inside of the dang pan.  I don't know why I haven't learned to check these kinds of things before I buy, because I am almost convinced I am going to simply have to buy a new wok.  Grrr.  (Anyone have any advice?  I tried using nail polish remover, and it didn't do much.)
-On another kitchen note- guess who doesn't have hot water in the kitchen???  Yep, us.  My BIL/SIL don't have hot water in the kitchen either- apparently it's not really standard here because to have hot water you need one of those individual electric water heaters.  Sometimes one might boil hot water for dish washing, but, we're also just going to get used to washing with cold water and plenty of soap.
-I love the feeling of new possibility when moving into a new house.  Getting to choose where to put stuff, buying new stuff, etc. It's fun.
-There are things about this house that I would change, for sure.  But, that said, I love this house.  It feels like home.  It's comfortable.  It doesn't actually feel THAT different from a house that we might have chosen to buy elsewhere in the world...except of course, we'd choose hard wood floors (not just floors that LOOK like wood) and closets! But, I love this house.  I love that it's ours now.  I love the potential it has.  And I'm so very happy we live in it alone! :)
-The last 4 and a half months have really brought to light how lucky we are as a family to have so many people around the world that love us enough to host us for a few days, weeks, or even months.  It is a good feeling to know that you are welcome, and invited, and wanted.  That said, it is SO NICE to have our own space again!  To be in charge of where things go in the kitchen, to be able to leave anything we want in a spot that we deem appropriate, to be able to walk through the whole house naked- if I so wanted... it's just good to have your own space!
-I should go now, because, even though the kitchen is fully unpacked and in place (yes, that includes washing all dishes before putting away, cleaning out cupboards, etc), I haven't unpacked, or hung up ANY of my clothes.  Priorities, I tell ya. :)    

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