Thursday, March 24, 2011

Because I don't have the brain power for anything more serious...


I am a once a day showerer, unless I go to the gym, and then I will usually shower twice a day, although the post-gym shower will really be more of a rinse off than a full shower.  So, as I said, once a day showering.  I don't like being dirty- and I feel dirty if I go more than 24 hours without a shower.  I have fine, thin hair that looks like I dipped it in grease if I don't wash it enough (once a day!).  I also have a baby who sometimes gets bodily fluids, or food, or boogers on me that I prefer to wash off once a day.  I am also a person who sweats and does eventually stink from it. So, I shower once a day. 

Lately it seems like I have heard or read about a lot of people who shower at night.  I have to admit, I just don't get it.  I'm a morning showerer.  I like that being under the water wakes me up.  I like that I get to start my day fresh.  I like that at night, I can just go to bed...well, after brushing my teeth.  Oh, and my hair again... fine, thin hair cannot be slept on and then look ok the next day.  Sleeping on fine, thin WET hair... I might as well prepare my red nose and floppy shoes, cause I'll be looking like a clown.  It just doesn't work, at all.  If I showered at night, I would have to wet my head completely again in the morning- why do it twice?

I do understand the argument about getting into bed clean... sort of.  I mean, if I'm dirty, what do I care if I'm laying on "dirty" sheets?  I change the sheets once a week, so I don't think they really get THAT dirty to begin with.  Plus, I wear clothes all day, and these days I also wear pajamas at night, so, it's not like I'm bringing the grime of the day with me.  So, the whole dirty bed thing just doesn't bother me that much.  Because here's why...

I'd rather be dirty while I'm sleeping, than while I'm awake going about my day!  The way I figure it, if I shower once a day, my clean to dirty cycle takes 24 hours. That means that for about 12 hours I am reasonably clean, but after that, I am more dirty than I am clean.  If you shower at night, you sleep away like 6-8 of your "clean" hours!  Ok, you're not actively getting dirty while you sleep- but, it's possible you're sweating, your head is definitely producing oils like normal, etc.  So, even though you might not get dirt dirty on you while you sleep, I still say your getting dirty cycle begins as soon as you get out of the shower.  So if I were to shower at let's say 10pm, that means that by 10am, I am already more dirty than clean, and I still have at least 8 hours of my active day.  So, see, it doesn't make sense to me!  When I shower in the morning (usually between 8 and 10) I don't reach my more dirty than clean point until late at night, certainly after I'm home for the day on most nights.

I'm sure people who shower at night have compelling reasons... right?  Surely, everyone has given this whole thing as much thought as I have? ;)

Are you morning or night showerer?  What's the main reason for your choice?


Mary said...

Put me in the "shower whenever I get the chance" camp. Normally it's in the morning, when the baby goes for her first nap, around 9:30. Sometimes I use that time to clean and then I end up taking a shower at night, or when dh can watch Alyse. I've never put that much thought into the dirty/clean ratio before, but makes sense to me LOL!

Suzanne :-) said...

I'd shower in the morning if I could wake up in time. I did this morning, in fact. I shower mainly at night, though, when the kids are all asleep. You're right that I dirty myself up at night (I tend to sweat a lot), but it's better to take a shower at night and dirty myself up while sleeping than not to shower at all.

Mamma M said...

Suzanne...a shower at night is WAY better than no shower at all! :)

Crescent Moon Mama said...

I have three boys, age 6, 2.5 and 9 months. I shower when I can. It definitely NOT daily. When I do get to shower, it's usually around 5pm.

Have you heard of the no shampooing thing? I had hair that got greasy really quickly and since I have not been using shampoo it takes a long time to get that way. And ny hair looks better. It's an adjustment at first but so worth it. You rinse with water and use conditioner (one with no silicon, etc). It sound funny but it works. You can google it for more info. Janel from PO

Mamma M said...

Janel, I have heard of not shampooing. I can get it, but, alas, I do not think I could ever deal with the adjustment period. How long does it take?

It'd funny, because I try not to be over the top with being clean as far as germs go... like we don't use any antibacterial products, I let my kid eat dirt, etc...but, when it comes to my own person, I just need to be clean.

2shakesofalambstail said...

i cant shower in the morning... that hot lovely water puts me in a coma!!! all i want to do is crawl back into my bed. Add hot steamy water and im lucky if i dont fall out of the tub in a deep slumber :)

therefore, i always shower afternoon or evening. Also, id much rather spend the extra 30 minutes sleeping than showering.