Friday, March 4, 2011

Wanna go for a walk?

It is often the little things that really influence how you react to living in a place.  At first glance you might think it's the big things- the language, the money, the weather- but really, those things you can adapt to more easily because they are often SO different.  But the little things... they can add up.  And drive you a little crazy.

Before my daughter was born we bought a fancy stroller thanks to my in-laws- a Teutonia.  We couldn't be happier with the stroller.  It drives wonderfully, has big able wheels, is comfortable for our daughter, Beni, and is easy enough to fold and what not when we need to.  I had big plans to help take off the baby weight by taking my baby in our lovely stroller for long walks every day.

Ah...what do they say about the best laid plans?  In the beginning my walking plan didn't pan out because it was summer and we had lots of visitors and places to go and things to do, and somehow the time just went by and we didn't have time! But then we came home to Angola, and Beni and I suddenly had all the time in the world.  Unfortunately, we met an unexpected deterrent... a little thing, that you wouldn't think would make such a big difference...but it is enough to make me crazy!

If you look back at the photo at the top of the post... do you notice anything about the sidewalk??  Like that in the picture there are no less than 3 sign posts/electric poles IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK???  Who puts signs in the middle of the sidewalk????

On its own this one thing might not be that bad, but another thing that isn't pictured (or you can barely see it) is that there are LOTS of trees planted literally right next to the sidewalk.  A fine idea when trees are small and just beginning to grow.  But guess what happens when they grow big enough?  The branches hang all over the sidewalk!  Along this same stretch of road (this is our block) there are places where the tree branches hang so low and heavy across the sidewalk that you literally have to step into the street to get around them! 

Which brings me to the final little thing... the posted speed limit on this road is something like 40 kph- that's only 25mph.  However, I can assure you that people drive down this long straight stretch of road as they do elsewhere in this city- as fast as they possibly can!  Passing cars make your hair/hat/clothes blow in the breeze and send huge clouds of dust and grime your way.  It is NOT pleasant.

Therefore it ends up that doing something as simple as going for a walk with your baby falls off your to do list, because it's just too much of a hassle. These little things add up to making something like a walk completely miss the point- there is nothing relaxing about going for a stroll down an obstructed sidewalk, on a road with cars flying past you at dangerous speeds (and often honking at each other) blowing dust in your eyes.

Oh, and if you were wondering why we don't go to the local park... well, even though it is only a few blocks down the street, we have never gone, because it is literally situated in the very middle of an incredibly busy roundabout!  Yup!  

Add this to the reasons I'm excited to head back to the Midwest for a few months in April, May and June and to settle down in our new home country of Laos in August!  I'm sure there will be little things there too... but from what I hear, going for walks is one thing we'll be able to do there.


Brenda B said...

I can't wait to hear more, I'm always intruiged by how things are different in other contries. I couldn't imagine adapting to life in another country with a baby. I'll be amazed at your story.

Arijnieks said...

How fun and what a great idea! I look forward to following this adventure too! :)