Friday, April 1, 2011

Finding time for family and traditions

My sister-in-law's comment from the No Cooking post about Friday night pizza made me think more about how and when we spend time together as a family.

The truth is, right now, we're kind of stuck in the trying to get through the day with falling over exhausted...which means that even on the weekends one of us gets up early one day, and lets the other sleep in, and we switch the other day.  Then on the weekends and on the weekdays we run around getting stuff done- Joel works, Beni and I play and do work around the house.  On school days when Joel comes home he plays with Beni while I get a moment to either go work out, or write my MRTW post.  Then she eats dinner, which is sometimes a joint effort, sometimes not.  Then, she gets ready for bed, which we do all together 99% of the time, and then I put her to bed.  Only after that I make dinner for Joel and myself, and we spend the evening watching tv, hanging out on our computers, reading, etc.  Weekends are very busy- we shop, sometimes Joel goes surfing for the whole day, and in general we just end up doing a whole lot of "you entertain the baby, while I do this, and then I'll watch her while you do that". 

When I was at university I wrote a book called Pancakes on Sunday which was set in one of my favorite childhood traditions- a big family breakfast of pancakes on Sunday!  I said to Joel the other day that we should have pancakes one weekend morning (especially since it's one of the meals he not only makes, but makes well!)... but, of course, it would require that we BOTH get up early enough to have the whole family eat together!

As of right now, we don't really have any family traditions yet... heck, seems like we're finding it hard to find time for family in general, unless you count when we go shopping!  There is just plain a lot to do in a day, and everyone wants a moment to catch their breath.  But as Beni gets older, we will definitely change our dinner time to make it a family dinner.  And hopefully we'll all catch up on sleep enough to make some time to do things as a family, instead of just as couples (me and Beni, Joel and Beni, Joel and me)!

Do you have family traditions that are not so much holiday centered, but more every day things (like Friday night pizza and a movie?)?  When do you make time for the whole family to hang out and play?    


2shakesofalambstail said...

we had lots of traditions growing up! but like you, being newly married and newly "parented," we just don't have the consistency in our lifestyles yet!

i definitely want a corny family game night. we used to play scrabble... but now luke throws the board/letters. we've tried playing xbox tetrus against each other, but its just not the same a REAL game.

i love the family breakfast pancake idea :) there is a bakery a few miles from here that we go to every saturday. im hoping once its warm we can walk there ever Saturday, get luke a cookie, some croissants for mommy and daddy, and walk home again!

Mook said...

Saturday morning panceggs seems to be a new tradition here as well! Jem

Mamma M said...

Oh that pancegg... I'm looking forward to one of those when we are visiting!